KS2 Performance Data

We value and celebrate the progress of all children in our school and recognise the hard work the children do in all years, from foundation stage to year 6.  At the end of their time with us, the children complete SATS tests to determine how well they have performed.  


Recent changes to the SATS have resulted in an increased challenge and a new way of measuring attainment.  Children are now given a scale score instead of the old "levels".  Click on the report below to see how the school has performed in the most recent SATS. 

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Chester Road,
Cheshire SY14 8PY
Headteacher: Mrs N Wetton
Main Contact: Terri-Ann Reynolds
If you would like to contact someone at school for help with anything please use the number or the email address above FAO: to Mrs Reynolds or Mrs Tilley
SEN Contact: Miss G Harper