Pre-School and Nursery 2023 - 2024

Mrs Jones

Welcome to Pre-School and Nursery

Welcome to our wonderful pre-school. We offer places for children who are 2 to 4 years old. Our Nursery (Little Buds) room is run by Miss Peak and provides a wonderful, nurturing space for our 2 year olds. Our Pre-School (Saplings) room, run by Mrs Jones and Miss Lumb is where our 3-4 year olds learn and play. 

Teacher contact emails:

To enquire about a place for your child, please contact Mrs Reynolds in the school office on 01244 268600.

We encourage the children to be as independent as possible in pre-school and there are many things you can do to support this at home. For example, encouraging your child to dress and toilet themselves independently, practice using cutlery, putting on shoes and hanging up coats and bags. 

This term our learning is based around the story 'Silly Doggy!' by Adam Stower. We immerse ourselves in this text, both through Literacy learning and within the learning environment. We keep you informed of our learning each week through emailing and uploading weekly letters onto this page every Friday, as well as adding photos to Twitter, so that you can be involved in your child's learning alongside us!


In Pre-School the children take part in daily pre-phonics sessions using The Learning Lady's 'Super Sounds' book. The sessions teach pre-phonics (Phase 1) skills through a different story, nursery rhyme and game each week. It supports a progression of key skills as shown in the file below. In the Summer term, the main focus is on alliteration as well as oral blending and segmenting. The children are also introduced to the RWI picture cards in this term. These all support the transition into Foundation Stage and give children the skills for starting RWI phonics as soon as possible.

Our Daily Routines in the Pre-School room:

8.30- Door open for funky finger challenges

9.00-9.10- Hello song, Maths

9.10-10.30- Adventure time (children in provision) Maths focus activities/make playdough

10.30- Review of adventure time learning/Word aware/Story time

10.40- Snack time

11.00-11.30- Garden adventure time

11.30-11.45- Phonics/Helicopter stories

12.00- Lunchtime

1.15- Gross motor activities 

1.30-2.15- Adventure time (children in provision)

2.15- Review of adventure time learning

2.20- Snack time

2.30- Story time/nursery rhyme of week

3.00- Home time


Please note- some days our timetable will differ.


Polite Reminders

  • Please ensure your child has brought a waterproof suit and wellingtons into school; a large part of our day involves being outdoors.
  • Please ensure that your child has a small healthy snack for the afternoon.  E.g. vegetable sticks, cherry tomatoes, breadsticks, cheese cubes, raisins, dried fruit. On Friday we have a small treat! 
  • Please send in a water bottle each day with your child’s snack. Our school policy is water only, so please can we ask that you do not send in juice.
  • We have a lovely family photograph display board in class. Please could you send a photograph of your child with their family that we could add to the board, this helps your child to feel at home within our setting and gives them a sense of belonging.

Please remember that you can get in touch with us via Class Dojo, over the telephone and via email on or we love to hear from you and if you have any worries, concerns or would just like to share something about your child. Our aim is to work with you to achieve the best possible outcomes for your child.

For more information about the Early Years Foundation Stage and about our EYFS Curriculum (Progression of Knowledge and Skills), please see the EYFS tab on the home page of our website.

Files to Download

Chester Road,
Cheshire SY14 8PY
Headteacher: Mrs N Wetton
Main Contact: Terri-Ann Reynolds
If you would like to contact someone at school for help with anything please use the number or the email address above FAO: to Mrs Reynolds or Mrs Tilley
SEN Contact: Miss G Harper