Hazel (Y1/2) 2023 - 2024

Miss Harper

Welcome to Hazel!

Teacher: Miss Harper

Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Miss Whyte

Specialist Support: Mrs Cooklin

Teacher Contact Email: hazel@malpasalportpri.cheshire.sch.uk

Our class has 23 children who are eager to learn new skills and utilise their existing knowledge to discover and engage through a variety of learning approaches. Our aim in Year 1 and 2 is to challenge ourselves during our learning journey as we work towards being the best that we can be as individuals and a TEAM.


We are currently working on Cycle B of our Y1/2 curriculum.

Please check the 'files' section to find our Key Stage One newsletter with lots of helpful information.


Things to remember:

  • P.E. will be on Thursday and Friday and the children must come to school in their PE kit.
  • Children need to bring their homework books and all resources into school everyday in their school bags.
  • The children need their water bottles in school each day and also need to bring a healthy afternoon snack. Fridays are treat snacks!



Year 1

Autumn 1

Autumn 2


Literacy – Lost and Found

Maths – Place Value

Geography- Seasons

Science – Animals including Humans

Art- Explore and Draw

RE – Jewish beliefs about God

Music – Hands, feet, heart

ICT – Online safety, Purple Mash

PE – Multi-skills

PSHE – Me and my relationships




Literacy - Nibbles

Maths – The 4 Operations

History – The Greatest Explorers

Science - Animals including Humans

RE – Jewish Practices and Celebrations

Music – Christmas

ICT – Technology, Spreadsheets

PE – Gymnastics

PSHE – Valuing difference

DT – Finger puppets

Spring 1

Spring 2


Literacy – The Lion Inside

Maths - Measurements

Geography – Animals and their habitats

Science - Materials

Art- Expressive Painting

RE – The Bible as a special book.

Music – Rhythm in the way we walk

ICT – Searching, grouping & sorting

PE - Dance

PSHE – Keeping myself safe


Literacy – The Case of the Curious Mammoth

Maths – Mass and Volume

History- Holidays

Science - Materials

DT- Fairgrounds

RE – Jesus’ importance to Christians.

Music – I wanna play in a band

ICT - Coding

PE - Gymnastics

PSHE – Rights and responsibilities

Summer 1

Summer 2


Literacy – Toys in Space

Maths – Fractions and Money

Geography- Our local area

Science – Plants

Art- Stick Transformation

RE  - Humanism beliefs about life.

Music – Round and round

ICT – Lego & creating pictures

PE – Striking and Fielding

PSHE – Being my best


Literacy – Goldilocks and Just the One Bear

Maths - Time

History – Our local heroes

Science- Plants

DT – Seaside picnic

RE – Free choice unit.

Music – Reflect, rewind, replay

ICT – Coding

PE – Sports Day Skills

PSHE – Growing and changing




Year 2

Autumn 1

Autumn 2


Literacy – Lost and Found

Maths – Place Value

Geography- Seasons

Science – Animals including Humans

Art- Explore and Draw

RE – Jewish beliefs about God

Music – Hands, feet, heart

ICT – Online safety, Purple Mash

PE – Multi-skills

PSHE – Me and my relationships




Literacy – The Owl Who is Afraid of the Dark

Maths – The 4 Operations

History – The Greatest Explorers

Science - Animals including Humans

RE – Jewish Practices and Celebrations

Music – Christmas

ICT – Technology, Spreadsheets

PE – Gymnastics

PSHE – Valuing difference

DT – Finger puppets

Spring 1

Spring 2


Literacy – The Dragon Machine

Maths - Measurements

Geography – Animals and their habitats

Science - Materials

Art- Expressive Painting

RE – The Bible as a special book.

Music – Rhythm in the way we walk

ICT – Searching, grouping & sorting

PE - Dance

PSHE – Keeping myself safe


Literacy – Colour Monster

Maths – Mass and Volume

History- Holidays

Science - Materials

DT- Fairgrounds

RE – Jesus’ importance to Christians.

Music – I wanna play in a band

ICT - Coding

PE - Gymnastics

PSHE – Rights and responsibilities

Summer 1

Summer 2


Literacy – The Last Wolf

Maths – Fractions and Money

Geography- Our local area

Science – Plants

Art- Stick Transformation

RE  - Humanism beliefs about life.

Music – Round and round

ICT – Lego & creating pictures

PE – Striking and Fielding

PSHE – Being my best


Literacy – Grandad’s Secret Giant

Maths - Time

History – Our local heroes

Science- Plants

DT – Seaside picnic

RE – Free choice unit.

Music – Reflect, rewind, replay

ICT – Coding

PE – Sports Day Skills

PSHE – Growing and changing


Files to Download

Chester Road,
Cheshire SY14 8PY
Headteacher: Mrs N Wetton
Main Contact: Terri-Ann Reynolds
If you would like to contact someone at school for help with anything please use the number or the email address above FAO: to Mrs Reynolds or Mrs Tilley
SEN Contact: Miss G Harper